Environmental Approach
Always thinking about the environment
GIF Products have long been focused on providing effective ways to tackle concerns about sustainability and recycling. We’re constantly endeavouring to find ways to make that effort a little easier for both you and how we operate.
Actively source and supply more sustainable products
We strive for the distribution, consumption and disposal of environmentally friendly products that have a lighter burden on the environment. We source, wherever possible, recyclable materials which contribute to resource conservation while maximising resource efficiency
Educate and encourage customers and the market
We recognise all print finishing processes have the potential to cause an impact on the environment and the world’s resources are limited. We commit to providing products of supreme quality and standards which are as sustainable in their production and recyclable where possible. We actively encourage customers to consider their options when purchasing and where possible explore ways of prolonging the lifetime of their projects to minimise the need to frequently print
Equally focus our sustainability efforts on ourselves
We are committed to compliance with environmental legislation, other requirements, the achievement of continual improvement and prevention of pollution. We internally promote energy and electricity conservation opting for high efficiency equipment and the re-utilisation of waste heat. We take aggressive steps to reduce waste volume and actively separately decontaminate all waste so as many of the component parts can be recycled
Limited packaging
In light of the UK and European Packaging Waste Legislation, we always try to use the minimum amount of packaging balanced with ensuring goods are packaged well enough for transportation. We will also always use, where possible, recycled and returnable packaging materials. In addition, we are members of the Government approved Valpak packaging waste compliance scheme which you can find more about here.