Firexo is the only complete multi-purpose fire extinguisher in the world. Not only is it completely safe to use, it also removes the confusion of having multiple extinguishers depending on the nature of the fire.
Fire - Cooler
Fire  - universal
Fire - safer
Fire - greener
Fire  - faster
Fire - unique

Fire Wizard

Manchester Grammar School : Firexo is the ideal choice to provide effective protection without needing large numbers of differing types. The nearest extinguisher will always be the right one!

Nortec Fire

Firexo products will remain within the offering from Nortec Fire as we continue to seek innovative solutions that support our customers’ needs and ensure their peace of mind when it comes to fire safety. The professionalism and support from the Firexo Team have been excellent and we would not hesitate in recommending the company and its products.

Why use a Firexo Fire extinguisher?

  • One fire extinguisher for every fire eventuality
  • Ideal for domestic, commercial or vehicle fires
  • Little or no chance of re-ignition
  • Cools the fire to hand touch within seconds
  • Water-based, non-toxic, biodegradable
  • Uses less liquid which means less mess and less damage

Used by professional fire fighters dealing with large scale fires through to people confronted with a fire in their home or workplace.

Servicing of extinguishers is also available – please contact us for details or explore our product range in more detail.

Unrivalled Product Knowledge

Great Service

Excellent Quality

Technical Support

Next Day Delivery